13 Jan 2014

free Warid internet 2014 on android phones

WARID TEL is Pakistan mobile network its offer 2G mobile internet service,

warid telecom pakistan

Today i am posting about how we can use free internet on warid telecom in Pakistan'

warid free internet is working with very good speed in ANDROID Mobile phones and all so desktop pc

REQUIREMENTs : what's you need.


1= Android OS mobile or tablet  (root your phone if its OS v 4.0 or above)

2= WARID SIM CARD (active and must be with Zero balance )

3= DROID VPN application ( download from here droid vpn 1.5mb )

4= Signup on droidvpn ( signup must required with real email address for user id and password for droidvpn application,signup here )

 5= mobile internet setting ( go to your mobile network settings and fill these settings in,,)







SO , after above setups we can use warid free internet by download and instal droidvpn open yor driod vpn 


GO droidvpn settings tab and select udp port,

warid free gprs with droidvpn 2014
Add caption


and Enter your email address and password in DroidVPN and tap the Start button 

free warid internet 2014

If the "DroidVPN is now connected" message appeared, press the home button


You can now start browsing and all your internet connection with warid tel,,

 if problem you must comment ,

as soon i will post warid free internet on desktop method,, 


free Warid internet 2014 on android phones
free Warid internet 2014 on android phones

1 comment:

  1. i will post warid free internet on desktop method today keep visiting,,
